Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education
Paris declaration of EU Educational Ministers: Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education
At the European level, Member States and the Commission agreed to cooperate closely, exchanging ideas and experiences. In particular, they intend to make stronger use of the Framework for cooperation in education and training (ET2020) to develop fresh activities designed to promote European values in education, inside and outside the classroom. The Commission plans to use funds from the Erasmus+ programme in a more targeted way to support cross-national exchanges and partnerships in this field. And it will work to ensure that education – together with youth work, inter-cultural dialogue and grass-root sports – is taken into account in related policy areas such as external relations or security. Member States will place a stronger emphasis on civic values in their respective education systems.
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DARE ( Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe )
Photo by woodleywonderworks // CC BY-NC 2.0