Stop the impunity of corporations ! Over 200 European organisations launched a petition requiring to end corporate privileges. Read more about Stop the impunity of corporations !
Social dialogue for innovation in digital economy On 23 and 24 January 2019, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the opinion "Social dialogue for innovation in digital economy". Read more about Social dialogue for innovation in digital economy
The EESC and social enterprises call for an action plan in social economy On Wednesday, February 6th the Social Economy Intergroup (SEIG) of the European Parliament held a meeting with members of the European Parliament, Read more about The EESC and social enterprises call for an action plan in social economy
Challenging the crisis : NGO's and young people come together to promote SSE International development and cooperation NGO's from several European countries launched a project called "Challenging the crisis – Promoting Globa Read more about Challenging the crisis : NGO's and young people come together to promote SSE